Mumbai: Bollywood’s chocolate boy Shahid Kapoor was recently admonished by Pankaj Kapoor, as the actor was disrupting the peace of their neighbourhood by playing music too loud – that too of ‘Mausam’.
It is believed that Shahid is addicted to the songs of ‘Mausam’ and loves playing them even in his outdoor schedules.
But the actor, who is currently shooting for dad Pankaj Kapoor’s ‘Mausam’ in Edinburgh had a hard time with his father, who scolded him for playing the songs of ‘Mausam’ on high volume. Sources reveal that Pankaj Kapoor didn’t want the songs of his debut directorial venture to leak out so early.
Well, like every good son, Shahid readily complied with his father’s wishes and grooved on the songs of ‘Mausam’ on his earphone.